At Camp Rainbow Connection, we believe that our staff members are the key to transformation in the lives of our campers, one another, their local faith communities, and the world at-large. We recognize that staff members are essential to achieving our mission of healing and acceptance towards all God’s people. Because we are a ministry of the Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church (UMC), participation of people of all backgrounds, ability levels, heritages, and faiths is encouraged. Staff members will maintain Christian integrity at all times based upon our core belief that Camp Rainbow is a continuation of Christ’s ministry given life through our hands, hearts, and feet. As a result of experiencing the unconditional love, courage, and faith of our campers and in upholding the Social Principles of The UMC, we expect that our staff will advocate for and model inclusion of all persons in the full life of their local faith communities and society.
During the meetings and events under the sponsorship and guidance of Camp Rainbow Connection, I recognize that I am a representative of the Christian Community and I am responsible for my actions. As a staff member with Camp Rainbow Connection, a ministry of the Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church, I understand and agree to the following:
*I shall recognize that everyone in the group is a part of the body of Christ. I will embrace inclusiveness by making sure everyone feels welcomed and important. I agree to participate and make every effort to function as a team and care for one another.
*I shall stay focused on God. I shall pray for others as caring and loving individuals the way Christ taught us.
*I shall respect the physical and emotional well-being of others by refraining from harsh play, violence, harmful jokes and gestures and by respecting the need for sleep.
*I shall refrain from the use of alcohol and illegal drugs. I understand that the use of these substances is absolutely prohibited.
*I shall maintain the dignity of the campers with whom I am matched as a staff buddy (including the individual’s in-room privacy and property), the other campers participating in sessions, and my fellow staff members.
*I shall agree to comply with all camp rules and policies established by camp leadership and communicated to me during training sessions and/or in writing through the Camp Rainbow Connection Staff Handbook. These include but are not limited to:
-I will follow instructions given by the On-Site Directors and Coordinator.
-I will share any concerns I have with the Coordinator and On-Site Directors.
-I will keep all information I learn about campers and staff confidential.
-I will not display any inappropriate behavior or public displays of affection and will dress in an appropriate manner.
-I will fully participate in all scheduled activities.
-I will attend sessions and events.
-I will do what I can to ensure the safety of campers at all times.
-I will only leave the RBC during the camp session for camp related responsibilities.
*I shall abide by the rules which govern the campus of Richard Bland College (site of camp sessions).
*I shall take initiative to inform my guests of their responsibilities to follow these guidelines when they visit.
*I shall honor the commitment length that I make to Camp Rainbow Connection. I agree to provide as much advance notice as possible in the event that I will be unable to fulfill my commitment.
In signing this covenant, I vow that I have read and understand these guidelines. I recognize that a covenant is a binding promise, and my signature is testimony that I agree to adhere to the provisions of this covenant.